Bottom Of The Rock

by Az Jackson
Bottom Of The Rock
Az Jackson
Vertical panorama of Rockefeller Center light tree from the ground up in Manhattan, New York
-- Artist Notes --
I'm reluctant to promote or even keep this image in my collection. I'm amazed at both man and nature for their combined beauty in this image and I find it visually stunning but on more than one occasion I was mistreated by their security goons.
In the first instance I took a tripod up to the roof after getting the ok with the ground staff when buying my ticket and passed probably a dozen security who all had no problems with me with it.
I captured a beautiful sunset and as it was going into evening I started using my tripod for some long exposure shots and one single security came up to me and started hassling me and asking me to leave because I had the tripod even though I was there for hours with it and there was no one else around me and I was presenting no danger or impeding anyone.
On the other occasion and immediately after I captured this shot another hostile goon came up to me and said that I couldn't shoot here giving me no reason as to why even though there was no one else around. The treatment I received would be typical of someone who was trespassing, yet it was a public area.
Recently I've done some research on the Rockefeller's and, well... I'll let you make your mind up...
J.D. Rockefeller was raised by his father "Devil" Bill who was a snake oil salesman, con man and rapist and had a family that was into interbreeding. J.D. had tried to hide his family's past but somehow received a commission to supply the army with goods during the civil war. With this money he founded Standard Oil with his brother William Avery Jr.
What is important to note here is that at the time there was no oil industry, no infrastructure and no demand for it. So all the plastic in the oceans, all the pesticides and all the forever chemicals destroying our planet today, all the pharmaceutical companies, the medical licensing board, vaccines, GMO's and Eugenics programs can be traced back to Devil Bill's son, J.D. Rockefeller.
The Rockefellers continued on with dodgy business practices by buying up competition and monopolizing the market and invented umbrella trusts to dodge paying tax. Congress stepped in and ordered the company dismantled through what is known as the Anti-Sherman Act although nothing really changed and he ran the company for another 20 years before the US government broke up the company into 30 different companies (which to me sounds like they still monopolized the market using many companies and created a format for big business to flout the monopoly laws as we see in our world today. Take Disney as an example).
Despite being one of the richest men in the world along with fellow Robber Barrens like Cornelius Vanderbilt (Railroads), Andrew Carnegie (Steel), J.P. Morgan (Banking), he treated his staff very poorly under bad working conditions and had a very bad public image although at the time of his death he was regarded as a great "philanthropist" because, like Bill Gates (who spent more than $100 million dollars for a positive PR campaign to clean up his image), he gave half of money away. He was one of the first to use media propaganda and invented the whole "kissing babies" trend to clean up his public image. It's interesting all the Robber Barrens have the same back story... Started with nothing, created monopolies within a decade, all treat people poorly yet they were all philanthropists.
The money he "gave" away was used to set up social engineering programs, allopathic medicine, psychiatric research and medical education. He created the Psychiatry industry, termed the phrase "alternative medicine" undermining natural medicines in replace of minerals and alchemy for healing which was the creation of Big Pharma. He went into 3rd world nations looking for things like Malaria and Yellow Fever and came out of that with the creation of Vaccines.
He started Eugenics in 1930 which later inspired experiments in the 3rd Reich and also funded the NAZI regime, the early initiatives of Henry Kissinger and the Social Science Research Council where social workers would go out to people's houses and tell them how to raise their children and if they don't tick all the boxes, they take their children away.
His money helped fund John Hopkins University, Harvard University, Oxford University, Yale University, Columbia University, Princeton University, The Council On Foreign Relations, The World Bank, London School Of Economics, The Royal Institute Of International Affairs and the most insidious of all being the Tavistock Institute. Thanks to Tavistock the world is currently being reset into a living hell. Tavistock also bought us the new age movement, the womens movement, MK Ultra, Brainwashing, separation techniques such as political, racial, sexual, linguistic, national, church, religious, age group, background and identity politics. They also introduced the idea that humans are always the problem to just about everything and how to collapse a society with top down control through the decades of illegal research on human subjects from their psychological warfare experts.
When you group them altogether you will see the same themes keep repeating over and over again like... Humans are bad for the planet and overpopulation has to be dealt with. Which is why it's not surprising to know that Harvard, John Hopkins University and Tavistock are deeply involved with the C-19 fraud and profit from the vaxxines.
Thousands of scientists and medical scholars from all over the world had received scholarships for advanced study into major scientific disciplines and they created the graduate system where medical degrees come from stating whether you can legally practice or not and financially supported public education in the US.
Look at the connections of what we are experiencing in today's world between the coordinated lockdowns, where the research and even the virus originated from and those imposing greater restrictions on our lives.
These names and themes keep popping up... John Hopkins Uni, Harvard Uni, The Council On Foreign Relations, Columbia University, Big Pharma, vaxxines, eugenics, taking children and breaking up the family unit. All of these corporations, institutions and think tanks are anti-human, anti-life and totally against the values of the people they affect the most (which is practically the whole world). They need to be called out for their constant crimes against humanity, barred from ever doing business again and eradicated from the face of the earth with their profits being shared among the people of the earth. Not only that I also think the Rockefeller family origins is worth further investigation so that we understand where the root of all evil stemmed from.
August 1st, 2015