It's Worth It

by Az Jackson
It's Worth It
Az Jackson
Travelers coming and going at the base of Minyon Falls in New South Wales, Australia
-- Artist Notes --
A weekend away, celebrating a few birthdays with old school mates and Dougie, Jono and a new edition to the cucumber crew, Kylie, decided that we're all going to see a waterfall. For some reason I thought it was going to be a tiny waterfall that would look good as a table ornament somewhere as I hadn't heard of any waterfalls that would stand out forever in your mind, like I'm always chasing, being in the area.
So without thinking too much I just flopped in the back of the car and was taken. Upon arrival it was obvious I was under dressed and under prepared with just a pair of board shorts, thongs and a camera when we were reading the sign saying 6.5kms to the bottom. It was a "hang on I'm not ready" sort of moment as I was trying to make sense of their seriousness to complete this new found mission.
So I flip-flopped after them throwing all sorts of dangerous scenarios at them and let them know why it is a much better to stay on high ground. They were all in vein though as each one bounced off them with every step they took. "Do I stay or do I go back?" I was thinking as I looked down at my thongs ..."Well, I do love an adventure", so onwards I marched.
30 minutes go by and we see some travelers heading up and I asked how long we had to go and what's down there? Their response... "You're about half way, it's worth it". "Oh ok" I said happily but bewildered as she didn't answer my questions at all but made me feel very good about my decision.
I asked another 2 couples and they all said "It's Worth It". Even though no one could actually describe what was down there, we pressed on, determined to explore. It was a long, head hanging bush walk in the hot sun and my feet and legs certainly worked overtime with stubbed toes and cuts, scratches and bruises thanks to my casual choice of foot attire.
The feeling of giving up crept in several times, but thanks to the teamwork, their dreams of a 300ft elevator to the bottom, laughs and giggles along the way, we found a slice of paradise where as you look up you can't help utter the words... "It's Worth It". This would have to be one of the most epic waterfalls I've experienced in Australia.
Thanks team Jono, Dougie and Kylie and the travelers for helping me create this magic moment... you guys rock! I'd like to dedicate this image to my mate Dougie for hanging in there and making it to the bottom despite being even more unprepared than I was... Good work Dougie.
March 10th, 2018