Silver and Gold

by Az Jackson
Silver and Gold
Az Jackson
Digital Art - Photograph
Flatiron Building, A 5th Ave building and ornate clock in midtown Manhattan, New York
-- Artist Notes --
I had seen a similar image in a store back in my childhood and just loved the ornate nature of the architecture. When I grew up and became a photographer this imprinted image was on my bucket list to shoot.
I first toured the USA in 2014 and my schedule was so hectic that I completely missed the opportunity to shoot it... in fact I walked past it several times, totally oblivious that it was sitting there waiting for me. So I made a point to get the shot next time I was in the area.
Once I was there for a second time, it was hard to identify what I wanted or how to shoot it as there were so many other buildings and objects that seemed to get in the way. It was not until I got back in the editing room to apply my techniques did I rediscover the magic I saw as a child.
August 1st, 2015
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Christopher James
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